What is Radiation Exactly?

What is Radiation Exactly?

As citizens of the 21 st century, we have unwittingly become subjects in a global scientific experiment: long-term exposure to radiation. The very nature of our tech-driven day and age means we are exposed to cell phones, laptops, tablets, and many other electronic devices practically every single day. And while our modern lifestyle depends on, and is enriched by technology, radiation can have adverse affects on our health. But before we get into the health concerns let’s discuss --

What is Radiation exactly?

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are present everywhere in our environment but are invisible to the human eye. One of the main characteristics defining an EMF is its frequency or its corresponding wavelength: higher frequencies of Electromagnetic Radiation (including x-rays and gamma rays) are types of ionizing radiation. Lower frequencies of EMR (including microwaves and radio waves) are types of non-ionizing radiation.

Radi Protection protects against non-ionizing radiation emitted by cell phones, laptops, tablets, Wi-Fi and other wireless and cellular devices. Silver fiber, the active layer in all Radi Protection aprons, deflects and absorbs electromagnetic waves (within the 10MHz - 8 GHz, ~50 dB range) and thereby reduces radiation exposure.

Now that we understand Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) --


Why Protect from Radiation?



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